Motion Design

Animated GIFs

For these gifs, I wanted to combine three of my favorite things: coffee, love, and being outside. I enjoyed creating these, but it came with some challenges as it was my first time using the onion-skinning technique. Now that I know how to use it, it will be much easier the next time I create a GIF.

eCard Animation

For this project, I wanted to create an animated e-card. I decided on doing an eCard due to its popularity in the digital age. While completing this design, I had my significant other in mind as it was around our anniversary and Valentine’s Day. I am very proud of the project and enjoyed creating each scene.

Kindle Animation

I wanted to create a user interface animation for this project. I received a Kindle as a gift over the holidays last year, and now I don’t go anywhere without it. That is what gave me the idea to create a Kindle interface animation.

M&M Stop Motion

For this project, I wanted to create a fun stop motion that involved M&Ms. While doing some creative research, it sparked the idea of a conveyor belt rolling in M&M’s, and I rolled with it.

Animated Introduction

I created an introduction about myself and animated it. I thought about what I cared about most and what would tell my story efficiently, and this is what I came up with. I am very pleased with how this turned out.



