M&M Stop Motion

For this project, I wanted to create a fun stop motion that involved M&Ms. While doing some creative research, it sparked the idea of a conveyor belt rolling in M&M’s, and I rolled with it.

To create this stop motion project, I had to figure out if my idea would be linear or non-linear - I chose linear (beginning, middle, and end). For a linear story to work, there must be a complication in the middle of the stop-motion story. I thought an excellent way to add complications to the middle of the stop motion is to add ‘bad’ M&Ms to the conveyor belt so that it messes with the flow.

When thinking about colors and how they would look when captured, I decided to pick red, orange, and blue M & Ms. The tricky part of stop motion is making sure no shadows are overcasting the scene when taking the picture. I had to reshoot a few scenes due to shadows. Overall, this M&M stop motion came out great!